DB #191ish - The View Run

DB #191ish - The View Run

This hash will have the circle with probably the best views in the world, not even Carlsberg can beat it, except if they would sponsor us.
So keep your phone ready to take some pictures (explanation for the old hashers: Phones are able to take pictures since a while now. If yours can't then bring your camera).
Bring your coats as it might get cold afterwards, but we will have a nice stew to warm us up made by our SS (not what you think, it stands for Sensual Sleeper (or Slapper)). So we need numbers, if you don't register you won't get food.

The Start:

Hares: Double Top and Daygo the CB


The Time: Saturday, 4th March, at 3pm.

Length. We don't know yet, but not too long, as several of us have to run the next day.

Costs: 3€

RESERVE the date and please RSVP.
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Event Properties

Event Date 04-03-2023 3:00 pm
Event End Date 04-03-2023 8:00 pm
Individual Price €3.00